Progressive Artist Needs Work to Survive

I’ll Be Posting Previous work here and on my KO-FI Page

Good morning, here is page 16 of my weekly comic On The Fence. I’ve been semi-retired for the last couple years and I would love to continue this every week as an avocation, yet with the recent loss of my side income, I’ve added a KO-FI icon to my website,

Producing a weekly comic takes a lot of effort but I’m committed to telling this story because I see moronic, clownish, ignorant yet dangerous lunatics trying to bring down democracy. I don’t think that for me to talk or write essays about it will change or enlighten any additional “minds” out there but a cartoon just might possibly get through some amazingly thick numbskulls.

The roadblock to this is I need a little income to make ends meet. I hesitate to take on a part time job because I really only need a few hours a week. To avoid giving over my weekly schedule to a for-profit company, I’m soliciting donations in the hope I can continue to put out this comic and build my site to add more art, more comics, videos and a store for books and other items.  

I’m also open to taking illustration commissions. I’m going to be posting past art examples on my KO-FI page this week. Caricatures, children’s book illustrations, portraits, cartoons, etc. I’ve worked as an artist/designer/editor over the years for General Motors, Blue Cross, newspapers, magazines, book publishers and many other clients. I’d rather be working on such projects than asking for donations, but at this point I don’t want to get stuck working 3-4 days a week so that I can continue with the cartoon and other projects. At the weekly comic is in Webtoons format, much better for mobile devices. If you believe in supporting art please consider a small donation by clicking on the coffee cup icon.

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