Hey Auntie you gonna get up? Fake! ... Fake! ... Fake!... Hmmm... Time to prep a package for Bubbdawg Unibrow!! The Mayor’s speech begins soon! one minute! Ta Daa! Ready to get raucous! Put onyour pants freak! Here, deploy this special Antifa repellent around the Public Works building! Yessir! What is it? A bag of my poo! It’s the best poo! No more questions! Bubbdawg: Yes sir!!

Hey Auntie you gonna get up? Fake! ... Fake! ... Fake!... Hmmm... Time to prep a package for Bubbdawg Unibrow!! The Mayor’s speech begins soon! one minute! Ta Daa! Ready to get raucous! Put onyour pants freak! Here, deploy this special Antifa repellent around the Public Works building! Yessir! What is it? A bag of my poo! It’s the best poo! No more questions! Bubbdawg: Yes sir!!
Published On: December 27, 2021

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