So what’s next Derrick? Let’s go to City Hall where Mayor Gerry Atrick’s address is about to begin These are not normal times folks, I really mean it. We’re in a pandemic hangover combined with a case of war induced queasiness and supply chain lethargy! 3The STUPID-19 virus problem is out of control and mutating thanks to the OGLE anti vaxxers. Not a joke! So it’s time to take the bull by the horns and unite this neighborhood! The Ultra OGLE crowd is obstructung all progress with their lies and now threaten to riot if we hold their cult leader accountable. I really mean it! So I’m ordering Ouchie’s Vouchies to administer the WISDOMA vaccine to any OGLERs or OOLalaers openly making credible threats of violence. And the name for this will be what they will do if we don’t stop them— the Drag Down Deeper Act! Derrick: OK back to the daily routine stuff! Record Floods Record heat waves Droughts Wildfires and power outages coming to your neighborhood!

So what’s next Derrick? Let’s go to City Hall where Mayor Gerry Atrick’s address is about to begin These are not normal times folks, I really mean it. We’re in a pandemic hangover combined with a case of war induced queasiness and supply chain lethargy! 3The STUPID-19 virus problem is out of control and mutating thanks to the OGLE anti vaxxers. Not a joke! So it’s time to take the bull by the horns and unite this neighborhood! The Ultra OGLE crowd is obstructung all progress with their lies and now threaten to riot if we hold their cult leader accountable. I really mean it! So I’m ordering Ouchie’s Vouchies to administer the WISDOMA vaccine to any OGLERs or OOLalaers openly making credible threats of violence. And the name for this will be what they will do if we don’t stop them— the Drag Down Deeper Act! Derrick: OK back to the daily routine stuff! Record Floods Record heat waves Droughts Wildfires and power outages coming to your neighborhood!
Published On: September 26, 2022

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